Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beware (Carry on tuesday)(Revised, I shouldn't be allowed to write late at night)

Thomas C. Fedro

Beware of eyes glow red in dark,
Of cries of wolves with howling bark,
Thoughts of scamps wearing dresses tight,
That blind your mind from morning light,
Come away from asp's sweet perfume,
In hidden dens of darkened rooms,
The dawn comes quick to bathe your mind,
Night is plotting to steal your rhyme.

NOTE:  The prompt this week at Carry on Tuesday is the line, "Beware of thoughts that come in the night."  I used each word to start a sentence.


Mary said...

Haunting words. Powerful poetry! said...

Spooky array of night apparitions presented sharply.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is just wonderful, like the line
"Night is plotting to steal your rhyme" very much.

The pictures on your blog are very pleasing, the big tree and the one in this poem as well.

lucychili said...

ah but for me
night is where the words are =)
but perhaps it does steal my rhyme =)

Eclipse said...

That was interesting take on the prompt, Henry. A great one, I like the idea of the acrostic in your own version. Above all I just love the words you used, the spooky imagery, I like that kind of poetry....especially when you named the asp's´s a fiction I can relate a (wolfy) way :)

Tashtoo said...

This is AWESOME! (I fear I may be sounding like a broken record on my visits here!) Love the easy way in which the words simply roll of the tongue. The rhyme is perfection (I do so love the rhyme!) and I thought your take on the prompt brilliant! Bravo!

Jess PJ said...

A very fun way to use the prompt. Nice flow

Anonymous said...

Clever way to use the prompt ... powerful imagery accomplished! Well done! :D

Christine said...

Fantastic ending line, and terrific way to use the prompt.

I'm Just a Man (Recording Experiment ... I can't sing)

I am in the mood to change my tree to a cubic version.